Elder Ministry
At Westview, our Elders are the spiritual leaders of our church family seeking to model the instructions given in I Timothy 3-4 and Titus 1. These men are called to this biblical office and confirmed by the Westview Baptist Church family. They desire to see the Gospel mission of God fulfilled to our church family, through our church family, and into the community. We encourage you to reach out to them!
Deacon Ministry
At Westview, our Deacon Ministry uses the biblical model of deacons in Acts 6:1-6. Our deacons are servants of high character and humble hearts. They are each ordained as Deacons here at Westview Baptist Church. They are available to help our church family with everything from spiritual encouragement to physical needs. We encourage you to reach out to them!
Chris Buescher
Deacon Chairman
Omar Cancel Rios
Terry Dill
Dale Flach
Craig Rhodes